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Learning in Year 2

At Knowle CE Primary Academy, we feel that it’s vital for children to develop their independence in all areas especially academic and social. This is encouraged through children taking more responsibility for their belongings, communications and peer interactions. To help facilitate independence we work as a team with parents to ensure children recognise the value and importance of these skills, ready for the transition into Key Stage Two. In the classroom we support this by teaching in whole class groups for the majority of the day, where children are expected to listen to instructions and complete activities, with a growing level of independence. These formal lessons throughout the day are in readiness for the next Key Stage and the end of Key Stage Statutory Assessment Tasks (SATs).

In Year Two, the children are required to take part in the SATs which is the culmination of their Year One and Two learning journeys. This will take place during the Summer Term, where ‘quizzes’ are delivered in a familiar setting, by their teacher. These will help to inform the teacher judgement in the core areas of reading, writing and mathematics and also inform their next teacher as the pupils’ transition into Key Stage Two.

Our thematic curriculum aims to provide lessons that are engaging, meaningful and fun. In order to achieve this, we carefully plan a progressive curriculum, guided by the National Curriculum to ensure all pupils experience a broad and balanced curriculum. We endeavour to provide many hands on experiences and with the right balance of challenge and support; children are actively involved in a range of memorable learning experiences which promote creativity, independence and enjoyment.

As a part of our creative and engaging curriculum, the children have an exciting opportunity to build their confidence and have new experiences during our D’Adventures sessions and Summer Entertainment. Within our D’Adventures sessions, the children experience hands on learning in an outdoor environment interacting with natural resources with a little help from our Dads and Grandads. At the end of the year the children will have an opportunity to showcase their talents on stage in front of family and friends in the Summer Entertainment, which provides a fun and fantastic end to their time in Key Stage One.

As a school we celebrate perseverance, resilience and risk taking, ensuring children welcome challenge and are not afraid to make mistakes but most importantly we recognise the importance of parents/carers in their child’s progress and endorse an open door policy, so please feel free to ask us any questions.